20 August the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in
Atlanta ruled that at least one derisive feature of the Georgia and
Alabama illegal immigration laws will be left intact. The so called
“show me your papers” provision is intended to allow law
enforcement to more verdantly apprehend illegal immigrants who are
suspected of a criminal wrongdoing. According to civil rights
advocacy groups the “show me your papers” is at its core just a
thinly veiled mechanism for wanton racial profiling.
like the a priori green light given to Alabama and Georgia to
racially profile, a smoke and mirrors game is being played in the
public arena while debating the efficacy of social justices like gay
rights, equal pay for woman, economic imperialism and the dominion
over ones body. One could go so far as to say that most politicians
represent their particular constituents and electorate by agreeing
that racial equality as expressed in the civil rights movement was
and is a non negotiable steadfast given. Why are we still debating
the minutiae of civil unions, LGBT marriages and the traditional
Judeo Christian marriages? Of course, there are those who genuinely
believe these are topics which need to be debated above others
because of a perceived moral decay that they feel must be abated.
their motivation is behind the tactics the fact remains that our
congress and the media as a whole are engaged in discussing these
topics while avoiding other more pressing topics like economic woes.
shift gears to consider what some see as an almost repressive
economic hegemony imposed by the US on Mexico. What is at the crux of
the fear-mongering which is fueling an inhumane and malicious idea
about building electric fences along the Arizona boarder with Mexico?
Presumably it's to keep the undesirables out. Yet I see it missing
the mark on a few fundamental points. The most glaring point is the
notion that these economic and political refugees are sneaking
through our porous national boarder to parasitically dine on
America's bevy of good fortune. The fact that America has been
transforming herself into a 2nd
world country with it's chasmic separation of the have's and have
not's would seem like a fools errand to those el sud emigre’s. The
wealth in the US is not being distributed equally as bared out in the
appalling employment and job indices. This is not meant to ignore nor
forget the rapid decay of relative buying power compared to the
inflationary index. We all experience the price of goods and services
as it goes through roof contrasted to the money most Americans are
taking in each month.
pause and remember that our militant nostalgia for an agrarian
economy is in reality run by gigantic agribusinesses. Nonetheless,
this nostalgia is firmly rooted in the realm of “invented
tradition”, which was espoused by the Marxist historian Eric J.Hobsbawm, and won't be dissipating anytime soon. These mammoth
corporations, like all corporations, are intrinsically psychopathic
in their behavioral patterns. They have a singular myopic drive to
maximize profits which logically entails minimizing costs. One of the
biggest costs to agribusiness is labor. As the statistical trend
continues less Americans are willing to engage in these horrendous
working conditions for meager pay, marginal job security and
negligible health benefits. These emigre's from Mexico primarily have
filled those employment gabs which Americans are reluctant to do.
if we didn't have the political talking point of a tidal wave of
economic refugees flooding the American labor force, then Americans
might be lulled back into those jobs which would ipso facto be
vacated by the Mexicans.
course, I think that might be a jolly mental exercise which may even
bear fruit; albeit bitter fruit. The logical overarching question to
ask then becomes; why would the Mexicans want to stay in Mexico?”
More to the point; “how can we keep them there because they want to
be there?” I don't mean to be derisive or flippant nor denigrating.
Simply how can America foster a love affair between Mexico and
Mexicans? Before the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) the
US mounted several overt military filibusters throughout Latin
America in order to pave the way for more favorable American
investment. NAFTA has covertly and overtly assisted large and
influential American businesses to kept a bulwark of research and
development in America while shifting the manufacturing jobs to
Mexico. The reasoning is a 1-2-3 police line up of all the usual
suspects: favorable tax breaks for investment, tax reduction being
paid in America and cheap cheap cheap labor.
Mexico could garner some long term economic boon coupled with modern
manufacturing for herself, publicly and privately owned and run,
wouldn't that be at least a motivating factor to stay put and reap
some of the economic bounty? America has to rethink and retool it's
economic/political/social ideologies and policies. The quick fix to a
symptom doesn't heal the disease. Maybe someone will have the moral
fortitude to touch on some of these realistic North American
problematics at the upcoming political party conventions. Let's hope
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