Building a Blooming Garden Clock
The concept of time has insnared us all
across the globe. We're enmeshed in all facets of time whether we
consciously adhere to the scientific principle of a fourth dimension
in space time or the banal realization that we have a ordinal daily
behavior. As the digital age steadily composes new guidelines for how
we conduct our lives so does the notion of time recompose itself.
Conceptually time has simultaneously metamorphosed into an almost
neurotic OCD laden encumbrance. It permeates our lives in slogans and
jingles and mnemonic phrases like the ubiquity of commercial
advertisements. These pervasive euphemisms are all to familiar: Time
is of the essence; the time is now; no time like present; time to get
up; time to leave; do we have enough time?; time to do whatever.
Throughout anecdotal and recorded history and continuing up to
present day, societies have fabricated codes and parameters for
measuring time. These societies have bestowed this time keeping
acumen on a fraternity of time lords. Historically these time lords
were once exalted shaman or priests or soothsayers able to interpret
the omens and miracles and predict occurrences, like the harvest
moon, by telling time. Modern time lords are better known to the
world as scientists and have been bequeathed the responsibility of
recalibrating the global atomic clocks down to the nanosecond which
behooves any traveler who expects GPS to function properly.
Clocks and timepieces have emerged as
the de facto mechanism which facilitates a baseline for keeping
time. This wasn't always the case. The first timepieces were based on
the Sun, the Moon and the starry heavens. The phases of the moon were
used to calculate large chunks of time but weren't especially useful
for keeping time on a micro level. Consultations and planetary
movement are magnificently pragmatic for charting relative time but
don't work so well in the light of day. Enter the sundial into the
fray of time keeping. Although the Sun's phases during the day can
elucidate a general idea of fixed time (e.q. dawn, noon, dusk) it
wasn't until the sundial that better incremented time could be kept.
However glorious the invention of the sundial was it had its obvious
limitations. Of course, there were other various ways of keeping time
but they were highly subjective and situation specific like candles
and hourglasses. With the invention of mechanized timepieces the
baseline for keeping time seemed to have been canonized.
Although keeping time with clocks and
timepieces was now regulated, allowing for better logistical control,
the standardization of time remained elusive. The authority of the
time lords had succumbed to hibernation after the proliferation of
clocks and timepieces. For instance, if one had a clock in the home
it could show a different time than the company clock at which one
worked. Furthermore, all shops and businesses and governmental
organizations kept their own specific time which meant that one was
in a constant state of time warp. It wasn't until the heyday of the
locomotive and train travel that standardized time keeping
revolutionized our fixation on time. Railroad companies needed to
coordinate arrival and departure times in order to essentially avoid
collusions. Naturally, the marketing machine claimed that strict
schedules and deadlines were paramount to affording better service;
the underlying precept was to reduce crashes. This evolution of
punctuality is the cornerstone of today's unwitting obsession with
the minutiae of time and time keeping.
Interestingly, as orthodoxy rears its
head in the behavioral conventions of a society too does opposition
creep in as its concurrent anathema. There arise those who yearn for
an innovative push back or an alternative to the protocol. Horologers
artfully designed new and intricate clocks and timepieces to
approximate time keeping to sate a growing obsession. There were
clocks which chimed with varied aroma's or tastes which enabled the
owner to reasonably assess the time primarily during the dark hours
of night.
As the fledgling European saltwater
expansion progressed during the 18th century they
encountered vastly different cultures. Each of these cultures
superficially appeared to the European explorers as benighted and
culturally backward in comparison to European culture. Yet these
cultures had unique and reliable means of keeping time which were
symbiotically in tune with their milieux. For instance, some
rainforest peoples of New Guinea adapted their children's peer group
play time to the calls of particular birds. A certain bird call in
the early morning signified that the children were free to roam and
play. Conversely, a different bird call ushered in the end of the
playtime and meant the children needed to set their compass to home.
Some revolutionary European thinkers in
this period admired the romantic ideal of the “noble savage” as
espoused by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. They tinkered at ways to introduce aspects of
it into the cultural lives of Europeans. One such thinker was the
Swedish renaissance man Carl Linnaeus. Linnaeus, a botanist,
physician and zoologist, is perhaps best remembered for his taxonomy
of the plant and animal kingdoms. At some point amidst the herculean
task of classifying and cataloguing all the known plants and animals,
Linnaeus took a break and pondered about time.
Having amassed an encyclopedic
knowledge of plants as well as being an avid gardner it wasn't long
before he melded the two endeavors and applied it to time keeping.
Linnaeus devised a botanical scheme for keeping time based on the
general daily blooming period of plants and flowers. For reasons
unknown, Linnaeus never brought his “noble savage”/ “back to
nature” blooming garden clock to fruition. The theoretical
botanical clock remains just that; a hypothetical. Despite that
fact, constructing such a garden clock can be as enjoyable and
entertaining as it could be functional. Here is a partial and by no
means exhaustive list of plants and flowers with their corresponding
opening and closing times which can function as a blueprint for ones
own blooming garden clock. Happy gardening; it's time to get busy.
Flowering Plant Opening Closing
Goats-beard 3 am 11 am
Chicory 4-5 am
Hawkweed 6 am 5pm
Garden Lettuce 7 am 10 am
Scarlet Pimpernel 8 am
Ice plant 9-10 am 3-4 pm
Day Lilly 7-8 pm
Blue Sow-thistle 7 am noon
Marsh Sow-thistle 7 am 2 pm
Afterwards Linnaeus had been too much of a romantic in his taxonomy. Meaning: he was wrong 'here and there'.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. However, Isaac Newton is one of history's greatest minds and he was a devout Christian and tried in vain to make his square theories fit into a round peg. Hell, Newton was even a closet alchemist. But he was right on so many things that we tend to overlook his "wrong" premises.